

安德鲁·比戈斯是全球网络赌博平台的电子竞技 当了六个多月的教练. He has a group of about 25 students who practice weekly at the Jets Hangar to compete against other schools.

“When I started, I kind of took over and we had to kind of start from scratch比戈斯说. “From there we invited players and started having team meetings and we just keep growing.”

The students are practicing games such as Valorant, Super Smash Bros.和《全球网络赌博平台》.

“这太神奇了. 我喜欢这里的电脑. 这真的很有趣. 和这些人一起玩真的很好. 它没有毒性. It’s like a breath of fresh air in this team here,” Benjamin Kiska said.

有多个团队在玩包括《全球网络赌博平台》在内的多个游戏. Their Valorant team has around six starters, two managers and Coach Bigos. Valorant is a tactical shooter game where you have to win two full games to win the match. The games last anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes while the matches can go for a long time.

“我们是 NJCAAE联盟比戈斯说. “这是来自全国各地大学的电子竞技版本. 上周我们和印第安纳队打过一场比赛, 我们和来自北卡罗莱纳的人比赛, we play against some of the California teams but really from anywhere and they all have skill levels too.”


“你们最好的球员将获得奖学金, recruiting and that stuff whereas for us it’s whoever wants to join and then we go from there,他说. “例如, 我们上周的火箭联盟队, 谁都是好球员, 与三名在美国排名前1%的选手比赛.S. That’s going to be very difficult because it’s not matched evenly, but that’s how it goes.”

但要成为最好的,你必须打败最好的. 球员教练谢恩·费根说,这就是训练的意义所在.

“The biggest challenge is just making sure that everyone can elevate each other,他说. “振兴这样一个全球网络赌博平台, 这很神奇, brings in a lot of new players but we’re limited to how many players we have and that means varying skill ranges.”

这就是它的工作原理. NJCAAE有三个不同级别的比赛. 超级系列赛(T1)、竞争者系列赛(T2)和公开赛(T3).

You must be a 杰克逊的大学 student, be enrolled in 12 credits and a 2.0 GPA才能参加T1或T2的比赛. Anyone can participate in the open series as long as you have a 杰克逊的大学 e-mail.

T1 participants at 杰克逊的大学 must practice at least three times a week for two hours and have a match day whereas in T3 you make your own schedule and practice however much they want. 每周的比赛并不是强制性的.

T1 has a 7-game regular season (or 14 for select games) and then after the season it goes to playoffs and the teams get seeded from the regular season play and its single elimination until there is a winner.

T3 is the same for playoffs but during the season you choose to activate your team each week if you are going to play and you only must play 2 games to make it to the playoffs.

“各个层次的竞争都很激烈,”比戈斯说. “So, if you want to be really serious and be in a tight-knit group, play in tier one. If you just want to learn how to play or have other commitments where you can’t be here all the time, 他们在第三层有这样的选择. As long as the Hangar is open you can come in if you are a team member and be able to practice or participate.”

If you are interested in being part of the 的电子竞技 team you can fill out information on 全球网络赌博平台的体育部 会给安德鲁发邮件吗. He will get back with you and the coaches will figure out when to get you on the team.

“Everyone’s schedule is busy so we also play fall league and spring league, so if you’re like ‘I can only do one or the other’ or you want to do both that’s all available,他说. “There’s also scholarships available for the top players and there’s opportunities to lead and being a team captain which is like a coach for the team to be in charge of making sure the team shows up on time and is ready for the week and activated for the week so you can play your matches.”

The 的电子竞技 arena is located inside the Jets Hangar on 中央校区.


你准备好提升你的游戏技能了吗? Join 杰克逊的大学’s 的电子竞技 team led by coach Andrew Bigos, bigosandrew@youversion4china.com.