
考虑上大学的高中生不必等到开始. 采用双录取制,积极上进的学生可以在高中时获得大学学分! 双重招生是指学生可以同时就读高中和大学. 杰克逊的大学 provides an opportunity for motivated students to enrich their high school education with dual enrollment options made possibly by the Postsecondary Option Act.

所有希望参加JC的高中生都需要完成一份 高中双录取表 在他们的高中辅导员、校长和家长/监护人的帮助下. 的 dual enrollment form must be completed in full before you come to 杰克逊的大学 to register for classes.






  • 谁有资格
  • 你可以上什么课,可以上什么大学
  • 谁支付学费、杂费、书费和交通费
  • 需要参加那些最适合学生目标的课程
  • 不及格或未完成大学课程的后果
  • 对学生高中毕业能力的影响
  • 符合资格的学生及其家长/监护人的责任


  • All students still in high school need to have a completed dual enrollment form to attend classes even if the high school is not funding the classes or accepting the academic credit.
  • 你和你的高中必须在注册前做出决定, 谁负责付款,你希望获得哪种学分.
  • 的 signature of your high school principal on the form is needed to satisfy the requirement of high school approval for attendance and indicate that you have received information as required by the Postsecondary Option Act as well as information regarding payment.
  • While enrolled at JC you are subject to all college policies governing students while attending classes.
  • 表格如未填写完整并获授权人签署,将不获处理. 如果没有适当的授权,你参加的课程将不会获得学分.
  • JC will only release your schedule and grade information to your high school if the high school assumes responsibility for payment; otherwise you must request in writing that your records be released to the high school.
  • 你的高中可能无法满足双录取所产生的全部经济义务. It is the responsibility of you and your parent/guardian to meet the balance owed for college tuition and fees. 联系 should be made with your high school to determine what balances you and your parent/guardian may incur.


感谢您选择全球网络赌博平台. Taking college credit while you are finishing your high school requirements can give you a good start into higher education. 我们希望这些常见问题解答将回答您的大多数问题. 请仔细审阅.


高中双录取表格(pdf) 作为您对JC的客户应用程序. 使用此表格注册课程.


你、你的父母或监护人、你的高中辅导员和/或校长都要签字. Your high school needs to sign off on the “Approval” side of the form to let you take college classes, 并在表单的“账单”一侧签字以授权付款. 所有的签名都需要在场, 即使你自己付学费,只为了获得大学学分.

我上夜校还需要这张表吗? 即使只是个人兴趣?

是的. 你的学校必须同意并在表格上的所有指定位置签名, 直到你高中毕业. 暑期班也是如此.




家长以辅导员和校长的身份签字, “家庭高中”一栏填写为“家庭教育”.”




你的高中会决定的. 有关密歇根州制定的指导方针的更多信息,请访问 密歇根州双重注册网页.


是的. 注册一门学术课程意味着你会收到一个成绩和一份大学成绩单. 成绩单是所修课程和完成课程的永久历史记录. Any courses you are still enrolled in after the drop date will appear on your college transcript along with the grade earned. 这些是永久性的,不能删除或更改. (具体截止日期见注册和记录网页.)


请随时查看我们的网页(www.jccmi.(Edu),并与你想就读的学院/大学联系,以确认你的转学能力, realizing that institutions may change policies and that various programs have differing grade and course requirements. 我们会尽力为你和你的高中辅导员提供最新的信息. 总的来说,只有2分的课程.0级以上将转学. 一些大学, 比如密歇根州立大学, 是否有政策限制哪些课程可以算作高中和大学学分. 你必须有全球网络赌博平台寄给转学学院的正式成绩单.


你可以审核, 但是当你注册时,你必须在高中双录取表上注明这一点, 或者在掉落期结束之前, 仍然使用双重注册表. 向你的高中了解审计的含义, 和JC网站了解详情和截止日期.


一定要使用高中双录取表格, 完全填好, 退课:从一门课退学或退课. A “drop” is when you take yourself out of a class within the “drop and add” period of not receiving a W (withdrawal) grade. 退课不会出现在你的成绩单上,而且学费可以退还. 查看每个学期JC的时间表,以确定确切的日期. “退课”指的是你在“减课加课”之后离开一节课. 有些教师可能会因学生不出席而让其退学. 你的成绩是W,会出现在你的成绩单和成绩单上. 这不会影响你在JC的平均成绩. 一些大学,如密歇根州立大学,将W视为0.0,然而. 也, check your high school’s policy on how a W affects your high school grade point average and your eligibility for participating in high school 活动 and programs.


你的高中可能想要收取你的入学费用, plus your school might want to know where you are during the time that you were supposed to be in college classes. JC asks for all signatures (high school and parents) to acknowledge that the money issue and the grade/credit issue have been discussed and agreed upon.


No. 你将和其他大学生受到同样的待遇. 讨论的话题和使用的一些语言可能具有成人的性质, and the instructor will hold you accountable for assignments and attendance the same as all other students are held accountable. High school students enrolling at JC are subject to all college policies governing students while attending classes.


您受FERPA(联邦隐私法)保护, which means that we can only discuss your progress and performance with others if we have your (the student’s) permission. JC will only release your schedule and grade information to the high school if the high school is paying for your tuition. 如果你是付费的,但想把你的记录送到高中, 你必须以书面形式提出请求.


和你的高中联系一下. 你的大学成绩可能会影响你的高中成绩, 活动, 资格和毕业要求.


大学助学金只能用于被录取的大学生,不能用于双录取学生. Do apply for financial aid in your senior year of high school to get your college money ready for the fall semester after you graduate from high school.


当你在大四的时候,填写一份JC入学申请. 把你的高中成绩单和ACT成绩发给我们. 您将被邀请参加培训,并将与顾问会面,以计划您的日程安排. 确保你尽早申请经济援助. 你的高中辅导员会通知你截止日期. 与此同时,你的 高中双录取表格(pdf) 作为客座申请,你在JC上的课程都算作大学课程.

你准备好上大学了吗?  做一个快速测试来找出答案!


假.  而最终决定权在你, 与父母讨论这些选择是很重要的, 老师, 辅导员, 教练和其他值得信赖的朋友可以帮助指导你做出这个重要的选择.  寻求建议是明智之举.

True or 假 – I can wait until my last semester of my senior year to starting thinking about college.

假. 的re are important steps you need to take from your freshman year and earlier to be fully ready for college, 比如参加有挑战性的课程和存钱. 通读这个网站上的清单,看看这些建议.


错误——没有人“不适合”上大学. Colleges and universities come in all sizes with a wide assortment of programs and specialties – large, 公立大学到小型大学, 私立文理学院, 社区学院, 技术和贸易学校. 所有这些都提供一定程度的支持服务,所以要货比三家,看看哪一个最适合你.


大多数大学提供一定程度的经济援助,称为经济援助. Speak with your counselor or a college admissions officer who can help guide you through the financial aid process, 第一步是提交联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)。.


错误:早期学期的大部分时间都花在了通识课程上, 英语, 数学等等.  大多数大学生, 即使是那些自认为知道自己想做什么的人, 在他们完成之前,改变他们的课程或专业一两次. 如果你对一个短期的以职业为中心的全球网络赌博平台感兴趣,可以在大约一年的时间内完成, 知道自己的兴趣是什么是很好的. 立即与学生成功导航员交谈.


的确,大学课程比高中课程更严格,节奏也更快, 所以做好充分准备是很重要的.  遵循密歇根大学的课程要求将帮助你为大学学业做好准备.


假 – While grades are important, students don’t have to be perfect; few of us are. Sometimes taking a harder class and getting an average grade can be more beneficial than taking an easier class to get a high grade. 大学提供支持服务,可以帮助你一路走来,包括辅导和学习小组.


真的-大学参观是决策过程的重要组成部分. 参观大学, 以及参加大学博览会和大学夜间活动, can help you get an idea of what different institutions are like which will help you better decide where you will find your best fit.


True – Involving yourself in different 活动 can help you discover where your real interests and talents are. 你是否喜欢运动, 音乐, 戏剧, 俱乐部, 或者在社区做志愿者, all are worthwhile to help you find your interests and develop skills such as leadership and teamwork, 哪些对你的大学和职业生涯有帮助.


学生在高中时可以选择双录取课程, 当他们开始上大学的时候,让他们走得更远,省钱. Advanced Placement courses are also available at many high schools that can help students earn college credit. 和高中辅导员谈谈有什么可用的.